Our Generation® is Bigger than a toy company. We invite girls into a community of empowerment and play, a place where their collective voices create the narrative of their generation. It’s impossible to separate Our Generation® characters from the generation of girls who play with them, for they are one and the same. They are our daughters and our nieces. The girls who sell us cookies, walk our dogs and do cartwheel down the block.
Through the books & the dolls, Our Generation® characters come to life in the hands and minds of girls of this generation. They become best fiends and role models. Someone who understands what its like to be a girl in a time and place filled with so many pressures, but also so many freedom and opportunities. Together, they act out forming positive relationships, overcoming personal hurdles, and having fun. Making the right choices and even dealing with what happens when they make the wrong ones.
Preparing for what lies ahead while realizing just how important it is to embrace today.
Our Generation® is one of the leading 18-inch doll brands across the world. Our products are available in over 25 Countries worldwide, and sold at major global retailers.
Visit Our Generation® global home site here – ourgeneration.com
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